HIGHNORUM offers the following delivery/shipping and pickup options from our Headquarters and Pickup Ambassador Locations across South Africa. 7 days a week between 09:00 and 21:00. Some opening times may vary, see their profiles for more detail.Some of our Pickup Ambassador Locations may allow collection at specific hours including after 21:00.-
HIGHNORUM at Unit 12, First Floor, The Royal, 4/8 Queens Park Avenue, Salt River, 7925 Cape Town, South Africa.
No charge.
Pickup from remote fixed or mobile delivery location Pickup Ambassador Locations.
No charge.
Pending Pickup Ambassador availability. Contact your local Pickup Ambassador and arrange a collection time beforehand, see the list of Pickup Ambassadors in various areas below. This option is new, so look out for new Pickup Ambassadors being added every month (there is just one for now- which is just us at HIGHNORUM HQ) See the list of Pickup Ambassador Locations here www.highnorum.world/get-products-and-locations
Same-day delivery, Cape Town only for now, Southern Suburbs, City Centre, Sea Point & Surrounds, Century City & Surrounds, within 3hrs (but much sooner).
Within a maximum of 3 hrs, but mostly much much sooner :-). During afternoon, morning and evening sessions.
R25 -
Anywhere in South Africa.
Within 1-4 days.
R130 -
International delivery.
Specific countries in the world only, within 1-5 days.
Not available yet, coming soon.
If you have any queries please WhatsApp us on +27 74 052 4522